
Whose Responsible, Yours If…

A lot of people are asking “how did this happen” or “whose to blame”. How did we go from a functional government to chaos in a matter of weeks? So let me give you some perspective. If you voted for Trump or did not vote, it is partially your responsibility.

I talked to three friends the other day whose children or grandchildren either had or expected to lose their government jobs. These were all professionals with good performance reviews. They had families and dependents. So for these three and the thousands of government works who have been fired who did quality work in their field, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

If you want to visit a National Park and do not do so because the lines are line to get in and in the Park services have been reduced, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

If the proposed cuts in Medicaid are implemented and as result a relative or friend’s health care and life is affected, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

If a relative or friend dies from an infection disease because funding to the CDC has been cut and staff laid off, not to mention the least qualified person in American is now the head of it, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

Every time a transgender youth commits attempts and sadly too often is successful in committing suicide, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

It is expected millions will die, children and adults, globally because of loss funds and termination of employees working for USAID, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

If you are worried that the US is now run by a billionaire who was born in wealth in South Africa and then became a Canadian citizen via his mother is now in charge of the country, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

Many if not the vast majority of workers losing their jobs are making good incomes, so if you lose your job in large or small business because of downsizing due to a shrinking economy in part triggered by all the government layoffs, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

I believe the cutting Research Grants will affect our country’s ability to address our country’s health care and/or energy to name a few going forward because the country’s brightest minds no longer have funds to do research, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

If you have a relative or friend in the VA who now has a difficulty getting services because of VA cutbacks and layoffs, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

Because the government is now in control by people who do not accept or understand the science behind climate change which is driving the increase in natural disasters which will continue to affect every part of our lives from insurance costs to property values not to mention loss of lives, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

If cuts in the Department Education affect your child’s or grandchild’s ability to obtain a quality education, if you voted for Trump or did not vote its partially your responsibility.

After being fired, some employees have been asked to return to their jobs after being fired. If a boss fires employees on Friday and then decides to hire them back on Monday, it may be because the boss is an idiot.

Maybe this will all work out and the mass firings and cuts in funding will all work to the US’s benefit. Maybe, but I doubt it. I suspect the in funding and firing of employees will have a negative affect not only on the US today but for years going forward in many different ways.

If the chaos continues this all goes south, expect every Trump supporter and non-voter to own the decisions that are being made. In short, no blaming Biden or Democrats, own it.