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the Doyle A Ranstrom Blog

Illustration explaining the term "Baby Boomer."

A Boomer Challenge for New Year

I am a Baby Boomer. If you were born between...
Man smiling in front of tennis courts.

PB 1-Year Anniversary

This week is the one year anniversary of the first...
Mountainous landscape with rocky cliffs and sky.

Reminiscing Mexico

The first time I was in Mexico was in the...
Students protest holding a sign about ignorance.

CRT & Woke Quiz

One of the least intelligent political issues of all time...
Desert street with cacti and mountains.

HOA Living

It is estimated that about 74 million people or about...
Man smiling in a hospital room setting.

Spending Time in the ER and Health Care

The picture is from a couple of weeks ago when...
People sledding on snowy hill in park.

A Very Very Grand Daughters Week

We told our daughter and her husband that we would...
Map of Babylonia during Hammurabi's reign.

Cyrus, Trump, The Devil?

The first time I saw this before the 2020 National...
Man smiling with pickleball courts in background.

Pickle Ball in Portland Plus Celebrity

I hit a cross court volley and the young gentleman...
U.S. map displaying political party divisions.

A Significant Retirement Risk

Pre-Retirees and Retirees often worry about the risks to their...