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In A Few Days We Will Know

In less than two weeks, thankfully, the election will be over. In one sense it is already over, however, we will not know the results until November 6th. As of today, almost 30 million have already voted. Millions more will have voted before Election Day, November 5th.

For anyone who does not vote, I would question their commitment to being a citizen of the United States. If someone says they do not know the issues, they should get a job as a pet rock, because that is the only job for which people like this are qualified. If someone says it does not make a difference, it is clear these individuals are only qualified for the job of associate pet rock. This election will be decided by small margins, especially in some states.

Who do I think will win? Obviously I want Harris to win. She is the clear choice on every important issue to me. Climate change, women’s rights, deficit spending, gun control, economic growth, education, health care, to name a few.

However, though I believe Harris will easily win the popular vote, I believe Trump has an excellent chance to win the electoral college. If this happens, this means that enough people ignored the following in voting for Trump.
* Trump is one of, if not the most prolific lier in the history of the US National politics. It seems like new examples appear every day. Trump lied about Haitians eating pets in Springfield, OH. Trump lied about the crime rate in Aurora, CO. Without any supporting evidence he continues to lie about the last Presidential election. Again, these are just a few examples which seem to continue almost daily.
*. Trump has been convicted of a felony by jury of his peers. This is the first time a Presidential candidate has been convicted of a felony.
* Trump lost a defamation suit to E. Jean Carroll in which jurors awarded Carroll $18.3 million of compensatory damages for emotional and reputational harm, plus $65 million of punitive damages. Another first for Presidential candidate.
* Many Republicans leaders are supporting Harris over Trump including former VP Dick Cheney who said “In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” Over 200 individuals who worked for former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush or were staff working for Senators Mitt Romney and the late Sen. John McCain signed a letter supporting the Harris. It’s another first when many of the political elite of one political party support the other party’s candidate.
* Retired Marine General John Kelly who was Trump’s Chief of Staff in a recent interview said Trump fits the general definition of a fascist. Kelly also said Trump does not understand the Constitution and the values on which this country is built. Finally Kelly talked about Trump’s admiration for Hitler’s generals. After the interview, over a dozen life-time Republicans and former members of Trump’s staff signed a letter endorsing the comments Kelly made in the interview.
* Trump, if elected, has promised to take revenge on his opponents or enemies. He has threatened to use the military and National Guard on the “enemy within”. Having a candidate running for President who has threatened to use the military against his opponents. Another first.

Again, I sincerely hope Harris wins. I do truly believe the best thing that could happen to the Republican Party in specific and country overall is a Harris landslide. If this happens, it means whether or not we agree on individual issues, the majority of us agree we do not want Trump or anyone like him in any office. It also means the majority of us want to continue our democracy and support the Constitution along with the Bill of Rights.