Elephant and donkey symbols of American politics.

No Surprise, No Change

I was not surprised that President Biden decided end his run for a second term Presidency. I remember when President Johnson did the same thing in the late 1960s.

I was not surprised that President Biden endorsed Vice-president Harris. For many reasons, she is the logical choice for successor.

I was not surprised Republican nominee Trump was upset, again probably for many reasons. I suspect one reason was Trump went from dominating the news cycle to being old news. I suspect another reason is he and his supporters do not want to face a strong intelligent woman in the November election.

But the reality is nothing changed for me. As an independent moderate, my priorities in a candidate and election have not changed. I am essentially voting as an advocate for my granddaughters.

Harris will go the same direction as Biden on what I believe are the most issues not just for this election but for this time period.

1- Climate Change
Number one issue is climate change. There is no denying climate change is taking place with adverse consequences. Those consequences will increase for our children and especially grandchildren. Consequences include rising oceans leading to coastal flooding, increased severe weather, intense rain leading to flooding in some areas along with draught in other areas, excessive heat in parts of the country. These are just a few.

Trump and his supporters believe climate change is a hoax and if elected again will do just as he did the first time. He will end all US participation in global change efforts and will overturn environmental regulations. Harris and Democrats understand the science behind climate change. They will continue policies which may reduce the effect of climate change going forward. Included in this is investing in renewable energy.

The difference between Trump on Harris on climate change is the difference between standing on the top of a mountain cliff. Trump will jump off and Harris will find a difficult but doable path down.

2 – Woman’s Rights
With three granddaughters, this issue is extremely important to me. There is no man alive [or deceased for that matter], who is in a better position to make health care decisions for a woman than the woman herself. I recently watched a video of then Senator Harris undressing now Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh in his Senate confirmation hearings. She asked him if he knew of any federal law governing or restricting a man’s health. I have often wonder if he wet his pants trying to answer it.

Trump and his supporters believe women are second class citizens and should not be allowed to make personal health care decisions. Harris believes women are equal and fully competent to make personal health care decisions.

3 – National Deficit
The National Deficit which is unsustainable for our grandchildren. In Trump’s presidency, the deficit increased by almost $8 Trillion. I suspect when the final numbers are in, it will be a similar increase for Biden. If Trump wins again, he and his supporters will do the same as they did last time. They will increase spending and cut taxes, especially for the very wealthy. Essentially, charge it and send the bill to the grandkids.

Harris and Democrats will strive to both increase marginal tax brackets for the highest income earners and increase estate taxes for the most wealthy. I would also suggest initiating and total wealth tax starting at net worths of $10 Million or more.

For those who are worried higher marginal will affect economic growth, check marginal taxes rates under President Eisenhower who was a Republican. Though I only one when he was elected, I was a very strong supporter of Eisenhower which I am sure he most appreciated.

In 2025 it is expected it will take a new worth of $11.6 Million to be in the top 1% of households. In 2024, the estate tax exemption is $13.6 Million and for a married couple, $27.2 Million. In other words less than 1% of US households are subject to federal estate taxes. If you are wondering why billionaires support Trump, it is because they either inherited their money like Trump or built wealth using the American economic system, innovation and workers. Estate taxes on the top 1% do not prevent wealth from passing from one generation to another, but do insure that part of that wealth is invested in the other 99% which helped them accumulate that wealth and prevent the US becoming a total feudalistic country where only a few people control all the wealth.

4 – Gun Violence
For the record I was very sorry to learn that candidate Trump was a victim of gun violence and am pleased he was not seriously injured.

The loss of life from gun violence is tragic and avoidable. The direct and indirect cots of gun violence exceed $550 Billion annually.

Trump and his supporters are willing to accept the deaths and costs in the US from gun violence with no remorse. By contrast, Harris and her supporters will strive to regulate the gun industry, increase taxes and registration fees on firearms to reimburse state and federal government from the costs from gun violence.

Trump and his supporters accept any child or grandchild can be shot at school, mall, concert, parade, grocery store, at anytime. Harris does not accept this and will strive to change it.

5- Public Education
One of the cornerstones of economic growth over the years in the US has been the investment in public education.

The Secretary of Education under the Trump Presidency advocated for reductions in federal spending for education, public dollars used for private schools, reduced protections for students have been sexually attacked, and was sanctioned by a federal judge for the illegal collections of student loan debt.

Biden and now Harris have been huge supporters of public education which includes investment and equality in public education. Under Biden, Democrats passed student loan relief which at one time was the second largest debt for American households ahead of credit card debt.

Trump, if he wins, will the quality and investment in education. He will again strive to use public dollars for private education. For the record, a private school which teaches Creationism as science including the world is 5,000 years old, is not teaching science but beginner Sunday School.

Harris will continue the investment in public education K-12 and make it easier for students looking for some type of post-secondary education, vocational or college more accessible and affordable. Current and future students who do not support Harris are voting against their own best interest.

6 – Economy
Relating to economic growth, comparing the Trump Presidency to Biden’s Presidency is difficult due to the pandemic. The overall numbers are similar, but how they got there is much different.

Under Trump, $200 Billion of new money was allocated to infrastructure, but the vast majority of infrastructure spending, $1.3 Trillion was to come from state and local governments. In the fine print of the spending under Trump actually reduced federal infrastructure spending. At best, it was a bait and switch policy, talking big numbers but only delivering small numbers.

By comparison under Biden Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act which authorized $1.2 Trillion for transportation and infrastructure spending. The benefits of this Bill are apparent in the form of roads, bridges, clean water, and sustainable energy. This Bill created jobs and stimulated economic growth.

Harris will continue to invest in infrastructure, renewable energy, clean water to name a few. All of this will stimulate economic growth.

There are other differences between Harris and Trump, but these are high priorities for me and my advocation for my grandchildren.

Biden discontinuing his run for a second term and Harris if she is the nominee has no affect on my vote because she will continue to have my grandchildren’s best interests at heart. Trump and his supporters will not.