And its fun, mostly.
In my 40s, I started doing week or longer bike tours, which cumulated in biking across the US when I turned 60. In my 50s, in addition to cross country skiing, I started downhill skiing for the first time. I also started doing longer hikes in the mountains. In my 60s, in addition to biking across the US, I picked up golf and hiked the Grand Canyon. Most recently, as required by law at a certain age in many states, I started playing pickleball. Keep in mind I have had a kidney problem for 25+ years and had a heart condition for several years. The kidney problem continues, and I suppose I will always have a heart condition. One of the things I have learned is my body, and probably yours too, is always going to hurt, so it might as well hurt doing something. I have also learned though there is risk being active, for many if not most of us, there is more risk in not being active.