Being active is one key to both physical and mental health.

And its fun, mostly.

In my 40s, I started doing week or longer bike tours, which cumulated in biking across the US when I turned 60. In my 50s, in addition to cross country skiing, I started downhill skiing for the first time.  I also started doing longer hikes in the mountains. In my 60s, in addition to biking across the US, I picked up golf and hiked the Grand Canyon. Most recently, as required by law at a certain age in many states, I started playing pickleball. Keep in mind I have had a kidney problem for 25+ years and had a heart condition for several years. The kidney problem continues, and I suppose I will always have a heart condition. One of the things I have learned is my body, and probably yours too, is always going to hurt, so it might as well hurt doing something.  I have also learned though there is risk being active, for many if not most of us, there is more risk in not being active.  

Smiling cyclist in helmet near serene lake.
Smiling cyclist posing with his bike.

A Difficult Conversation With My Road Bike

I had to have a very difficult conversation with my road bike which went like this. Me to my road bike: We have to have a difficult conversation.RB: Yes, I agree. You don’t love me anymore.Me: That’s not true. I have had lots of bikes in life but you will always be my favorite. Think…

Crowd of runners participating in a marathon.

Running A Marathon, Wow

My wife’s niece and her partner just finished running a marathon a couple days ago. She had a little bit better time than him, but both were really good times. Of course, just finishing a marathon, regardless of the time, is amazing. In every marathon run, the last finisher, just ran a distance of 26.2…

Man smiling with pickleball courts in background.

Pickle Ball in Portland Plus Celebrity

I hit a cross court volley and the young gentleman across for me, realizing he could not reach my volley decided to dive for it. I looked at him as he lay on the PB Court and said, “what the hell were you thinking”. He said he used to play soccer and was a goalie…

Man smiling in front of tennis courts.

PB 1-Year Anniversary

This week is the one year anniversary of the first time I played pickle ball. I know its weird to remember a date like this, but there is a reason. Eight months earlier I was pretty sure I was not going to survive that round of kidney troubles, so to a start a new sport…