Republican Presidents from Eisenhower to Trump, the end of a Party and a country?
I believe President Dwight D. Eisenhower was an excellent President. He led the Allies to victory in WWII over the Nazi’s. As President, led the country in its recovery from the War. Of his many accomplishments as President, he established the Interstate System, NASA, signed the Civil Rights of Act of 1957, led American prosperity during his time in office, and maintained global peace.
Eisenhower was a Republican, a moderate centrist Republican. So how did the Republican party go from a war hero and outstanding President like Eisenhower to Trump? In the most recent 2021 Presidential Historians Survey, Eisenhower was ranked 5th, Trump is a the bottom, 41st out of 44.
Following is a brief review of Republican Presidents from Eisenhower to Trump.
President Nixon will forever be remembered by Watergate, but he had significant accomplishments. He opened the doors to Russia, founded NASA, begin the Federal funding against cancer, signed Title IX which opened the door for women to compete in sports among other things, initiated desegregation of southern schools, gave Native Americans the right of self-determination. He was ranked 31st in the survey. Without Watergate, I suspect he would have been ranked much higher.
President Ford was also a veteran of WWII. He became President Nixon’s abrupt resignation, a very difficult time in American history. He pardoned Nixon from his crimes so the country could move on, initiated programs that reduced inflation and created jobs. He was ranked 28th in the Survey.
President Reagan will likely be best known for Reagan economics. Many recall his tear down the Berlin Wall speech. For me, his greatest speech was after the Challenger disaster. Reagan economics reduced income taxes and federal programs. However, the Federal deficit grew substantially under his leadership. He also discontinued federal funding for mental health institutions. I strongly believe this is a significant factor in how how mental illness today affects homelessness. He was ranked 9th on the Survey.
President HW Bush was another WWII veteran. He will likely be best remembered for the Persian Golf War and invasion of Iraq. Though he become unpopular for economic problems during his Presidency, he signed into law significant legislation including the S&L bailout, ADA, Clean Air Act, 1991 Civil Rights Law to name a few. After pledging no new taxes, he increased taxes in 1990 believing that was the best way to reduce Federal deficit spending. Consistent with the war hero he was, he put the country in front of his political party. He was ranked 21th in the Survey.
George W Bush will be likely best remembered for 9/11 leading to the invasion of Afghanistan and then Iraq. What people may not remember is he led the fight against HIV/Aides initiating the Mother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative in 2002. President Bush recognized the risk and inevitability of a pandemic and beginning with a speech in 2005, developed and implemented a government plan to respond to a pandemic. Under his leadership the US supported countries seeking democracy and freedom including Ukraine. Bush was the second borrow and spend Republican President by opting to implement tax cuts and pay for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq off the books. A debt that is being passed on to our children and grandchildren. He was ranked 29th in the survey.
So how did the Republican Party go from Eisenhower, a great President to Trump, one of the very worst Presidents in our history. The question I got asked most on the Scandinavian trip by tour guides and others was “how did Trump every get elected, he goes against all the values of the US?” Though sadly WWII is distance memory to many in the US, in Europe its yesterday. They remember and can see the damages of the war. They are also concerned that if Russia wins in Ukraine, it will try to continue to expansion.
Whenever asked this question, I always had the same answer, Trump is not a historical Republican and has tapped into three American groups, white Nationalism, Christian Nationalism which has a substantial overlap with white Nationalism, and very wealth people who give millions to his campaign knowing if re-elected he will reduce their taxes including estate taxes.
Would any have the Republican Presidents before Trump voted for him. None I would guess. Who in Republican royalty support Trump. I doubt any of the Bushes, Cheneys, Romneys, McCains, to name a few have or would vote for Trump.
There are many Republicans in Congress who support the White/Christian Nationalism agenda. There others who do not, but do not speak up because they are afraid they will lose the votes. They have essentially sold their soles [support] the devil.
Many Republicans had said they will vote for Trump because he is a Republican. He is not. He has nothing in common with previous Republican Presidents. From Eisenhower thru Bush 2, you can agree or disagree with their policies, but with the exception of Nixon, no one can deny the rest were men of honor who believed in democracy. Consider some of the accomplishments in each of the above Republican Presidents until Trump. There is no doubt in my mind that Eisenhower would have looked at Trump in the same way as he looked at the leaders of the Axis Nations, an evil dictator who needed to be defeated.
If Trump is elected again, I believe it will be the end of the historical Republican Party from Eisenhower thru Bush 2. It may also be the end of our country as a democracy.