Smiling man with sunset in background.

Some Good Things That Happened to Me in 2024

As the New Year starts, I realized I have been to focused on all the negatives things that happened in 2024. So I decided it important to make a list of some of the good things that happened to me in 2024.

I did not grow hair on my head or any other place. I worry about this ever year. I have had the current hair style for a long time and do not want to change it at this point. I am way to lazy to wash or brush my hair not to mention go get haircut. A quick shower and I am ready to go.

I did not get any taller or shorter. Anyone that says I have gotten shorter is out of my will and off my friend list. Or both. For the record, the last time I was measured at the doctor’s office, no change from years ago.

I played a lot of pickle ball. Some think I am obsessive about pickle ball. That’s just silly. Anyone who knows me knows I do not have an obsessive personality.

I did not die. The older you get, the greater chance of dying during the year. 2024 was a big win in this regard.

I was in remission of my kidney disease all year. Christmas Eve was the 26th anniversary of knowing I had a problem. My first nephrologist told me I had a 50/50 chance of kidney failure. Another win.

I continue to be as good looking as I have ever been. I know many if not most would say I have never been good looking, but at least I have not regressed.

For the first time since I was 15 I did not work for money. I found out my mom was right. I am basically a lazy person who excels at doing nothing.

I read more books and articles in 2024 then I have ever before in a year. My mom used to call me a bookworm and again she was right. One of my genres is historical fiction focusing on Roman times, medieval times and the American West. At a social gathering there is very little interest in talking about any of these so I spend a lot of time by myself. Another win for me.

I got to spend a lot time with my grandchildren. For years I thought I would never live long enough to watch my grandchildren grow up. Big win.

I saw many sunrises and sunsets. Very cool.

I worked on my spiritual growth. Religion is about rules and regulations which let some people in and keep most people out. For me, being spiritual is connecting with God or the Universe, the planet and all life on it, your neighbor who according to Jesus is everyone without limits, and yourself. In both the OT [Leviticus] and the Gospel of Mark, it says love your neighbor and yourself. This is a theme in many other religions.

Who knows what 2025 will bring but was good to count some of the many good things in 2024.