Doyle A Ranstrom, LLC

Group of friends by a cactus, wearing masks.

A Memorial to a Very Good Friend

A very good friend of mine just passed away. He...
Graph showing GDP percentage over time.

Really Selfish Financial Advice from an “Expert”

A couple of week of weeks ago a well known...
Women's soccer team posing together outdoors.

US Women’s Olympic Medals and Then 2nd Class

US Women won 67 total medals in the recently completed...
Olympic rings in five interconnected colors.

Passionately Enjoying the Olympics

Like millions of Americans and billions throughout the world, I...
Smiling man in brown suit, American flag backdrop.

Republican Presidents from Eisenhower to Trump, the end of a Party and a country?

I believe President Dwight D. Eisenhower was an excellent President....
Elephant and donkey symbols of American politics.

No Surprise, No Change

I was not surprised that President Biden decided end his...
Declaration of Independence document displayed.

Thinking About the 4th

When I was in college, I had friend who was...
Crowd of runners participating in a marathon.

Running A Marathon, Wow

My wife’s niece and her partner just finished running a...
Ten commandments on stone tablets.

Trump, Trumpers, and the Ten Commandments

Recently Louisiana passed a low requiring public schools to display...
Historical portraits of American Founding Fathers.

Christian Nationalists Are Wrong On Both Sides

One of the most interesting, sad and scary parts of...