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the Doyle A Ranstrom Blog

Smiling man in brown suit, American flag backdrop.

Republican Presidents from Eisenhower to Trump, the end of a Party and a country?

I believe President Dwight D. Eisenhower was an excellent President....
Olympic rings in five interconnected colors.

Passionately Enjoying the Olympics

Like millions of Americans and billions throughout the world, I...
Women's soccer team posing together outdoors.

US Women’s Olympic Medals and Then 2nd Class

US Women won 67 total medals in the recently completed...
Graph showing GDP percentage over time.

Really Selfish Financial Advice from an “Expert”

A couple of week of weeks ago a well known...
Group of friends by a cactus, wearing masks.

A Memorial to a Very Good Friend

A very good friend of mine just passed away. He...
Forest engulfed in bright orange flames.

HOA P/C Insurance

I was visiting with one of the HOA Board members...
Debate between two political figures.

Why I Did Not Watch the Debate

I did not watch the debate for several reasons.  One...
Children with backpacks by the front door.

Hanging With the Granddaughters

I have been hanging with my granddaughters, ages nine and...
Financial growth with essential service icons.

The Real Blame for Inflation

Before assigning blame for inflation, it is important to understand...
Person smiling in a doctor's office.

Health Care-Check-Ups and Related Issues

September is my time for health care check-ups. A few...