Children with backpacks by the front door.

Hanging With the Granddaughters

I have been hanging with my granddaughters, ages nine and six, this past week while my daughter and son-in-law were on business trips.  We had a great time and some interesting conversations.  

I was walking the six year old from school while her older sister was at jujitsu practice.  Following is the conversation.

T, “Papa, are you going to vote for Trump.  Me, “no, I would never vote for Trump”.  That’s good she said.  And then she said, “it seems like a lot of old people are voting for Trump”.  “That’s probably true”, I said.  T, “why is that”.  Me, “I think a lot of old people are afraid.”

After a pause, T said, “I think Trump eats too many carrots”.  Me, “why do you say that”?  “Because he has orange hair” she said.  “Carrots are good for you, but he probably eats too many”.  “You’re probably right” I said.

T then said, “I don’t think he is a very nice man and he lies.”  “You’re right, he is not a very nice man and he does lie.’’

“You know what, he does not like Portland.”   “I know”, I said.  “And he does not like Minneapolis either.”  “Really”, T said, “I love Minneapolis”.  Then I said, “and you know what, he does not like Taylor Swift”.  “Really” she said again, “everyone loves Taylor Swift”.  This confirmed her worst fears about Trump.  

The previous day I asked both girls if they talked about climate change at school.  Both said some but not a lot.  Then they both said climate change is really bad for the environment.  How is it two little girls age nine and six know that climate change is bad for the environment and most of the Republican Party does not.  This amazing to me.  

I also asked them if men should be in charge of women’s health care.  Both said that is really stupid.  Last year in kindergarten, the six year old when in the nurse’s office because she was not felling well, told the nurse “I won’t take any medicine. My body, my rules”.  She is right, and every man who disagrees is completely and totally wrong.  

Anyone and everyone who plans to vote for Trump are telling grandchildren with their votes, that lying is ok, women are second class citizens, and they, the adults, do not care what climate change will do to the environment.  

Supporting Trump and Republicans also means you, as a Trump and Republican supporter, do not care about the level of gun violence we live with on a daily basis.  In preschool, the now six year old told her mom that she was afraid to become an adult because she did not want to be shot. Even in preschool, she understood that gun violence was a serious issue.  

I have said for some time the my only purpose in life is to be an advocate for my grandchildren and all grandchildren who will be negatively affected by Trump’s policies today and tomorrow.  

I know some my age will say “what about the economy”.  I would say this, the economy short term and long term will be better off with Harris. If elected, Trump will do the same thing he did last time, borrow and spend.  During Trump’s previous term the Federal Deficit increased by almost $8 Trillion. Charging it to the grandkids is not an economy policy.  It is selfish.  

To obtain high paying jobs in the future, today’s grandchildren will need a good education ranging from vocational to academic.  Harris understands this, Trump does not. 

As an Independent Moderate, I can honestly say, vote Harris.  Your grandchildren will thank you  today and in the future.