Children playing on a colorful playground structure.
Forget What's Affecting You!

Focus On What Will Affect Your Grandchildren

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a passionate [obnoxious] grandparent.  For every minute I spend thinking about how politics, economics, social issues, and financial trends will affect me, I spend an hour thinking about how they will affect my grandchildren.  I would challenge all grandparents to do the same.  Not think in terms of next week or next year, but five, ten, and twenty years from now.  The world is not the same as it was when we were growing up and never will be.  This is not good or bad, just is.  But decisions we make as grandparents today will affect our grandchildren throughout their entire lives.  We can either help them as a generation, or make their lives more difficult.  I choose to be advocate for my grandchildren until they can do so.  The posts on this page will be about issues which I believe will affect our grandchildren.  

Be an Advocate For Your Grandchildren

Collage of smiling children in various outfits.

The Grandparent Quiz

When many grandparents make political decisions and voting, they think...
Majestic icebergs against a cloudy sky.

GP Quiz, Climate Change, It Does Matter

Some years ago I was at a dinner party and...
Debt growth projection vs. GDP over time.

GP Quiz, Federal Deficit or Screw the Grandkids

In 2020 the Federal Deficit was $5.7 Trillion. In 2020...
Child holding sign saying "Please Help."

GP Quiz, All Children Are Equal

Your in a large stadium with 100,000 youth of America...
Elephant and donkey symbols of American politics.

No Surprise, No Change

I was not surprised that President Biden decided end his...
Graph showing GDP percentage over time.

Really Selfish Financial Advice from an “Expert”

A couple of week of weeks ago a well known...
Children with backpacks by the front door.

Hanging With the Granddaughters

I have been hanging with my granddaughters, ages nine and...