
The Voice

of Moderation

I have always been an Independent Moderate, never belonging to a political party. According to a recent study, 49% of voters now identify as "Independents," by far exceeding the groups who identify as Democrats or Republicans. About 35% of voters are moderates. In short, we control elections but are too often ignored until right before the election when candidates need our votes. I would also suggest moderate Independents are the adults in the room. In this commentary, I discuss being an Independent Moderate from my perspective. In short, be a voice of moderation.


Remember Gun Violence When You Vote

Most of us were saddened to learn about another mass shooting. And now a bit later, many will also say to themselves, “nothing I can do about it”. And while they go back to day to day lives, the families and friends of those killed are never the same. Nor are the lives of the…


Congressman Jordan is Not Qualified to be Speaker of the House.

Like many independent moderates, over the years I voted for both Democrat and Republican candidates. I will not longer to vote for any Republican candidate until the Party returns to its historical roots.  I would encourage any and all moderate independents to do the same.  Following are reasons I make this recommendation.  I will update on…


What Are You For?

For every ten people you talked with about politics, how many could tell you what they are for. In other words, what policies, government programs do they support. Ask anyone to do so with two rules. See what happens.Rule 1: The person cannot blame problems or situations on a political party or any or all…